Can’t Hear Every Sound Around You? Ask A Specialist About Advanced Hearing Aids

If you're having difficulties hearing certain sounds, ask your hearing aid specialist about the newest hearing and sound devices on the market. One of the biggest issues you face from not wearing the right auditory aids is not hearing everything around you. You may turn up the volume on your hearing aids to compensate for the loss. In addition, the high volume on your hearing aids may create hissing and crackling sounds that damage your ears even further. You can overcome your hearing aid difficulties by wearing devices that amplify all sounds properly. Here's what you should know about these advanced hearing aids and how they help you hear better.

Why Do You Only Hear Some Sounds With Your Current Hearing Aids?

Your ears contain various organs, such as your eardrums, that relay sound to your brain. When something injuries these organs, you no longer have the ability to pick up sound waves. Although sound waves are invisible to the naked eye, they are strong enough to create different types of vibrations inside your ears once they enter them.

In order for your hearing aids to work properly, they should have the ability to amplify every sound wave that enters your ears. However, if your hearing aids aren't strong enough to pick up every sound wave, the organs of your ears won't receive the right vibrations to transfer to your brain. Your brain ends up deciphering some of the things you hear, which interferes with how you communicate with other people, as well as how you react in your environment.

For example, you may only hear half of what's being said to you during conversations with your friends and family. This can also be a dangerous thing for you — especially if you work in a place that relies on having good hearing to avoid accidents or injuries. By not wearing the proper hearing devices, you reaction time may slow down.

What New Advancements in Hearing Aids Should You Know About?

Your current hearing aids may not have the newest parts, such as laser chips, to increase their sound-receiving functions. Auditory manufacturers are now installing small chips inside their devices that pick up and decipher sound waves before they even reach the ears' organs. Some advanced hearing aids use your cell phone to increase their functions. These advanced features help you understand every word being said to you, instead of some.

The chips not only pick up the tiniest sound waves in the environment, they also increase the lifetime of hearing aid batteries. Hearing aids that use up their batteries early may wear down faster. Having to buy new batteries or replace a damaged hearing aid can be costly and ineffective. 

You can increase your ability to hear and save money when you obtain an advanced hearing aid from your audiologist or hearing aid provider.

What Happens Before You Receive New Hearing Aids?

Before you receive new hearing aids, your hearing aid specialist may examine your ears to see if you have any other issues to treat. The exams will also help the specialist find and offer hearing aids that fit your specific needs. For instance, if you have new damage in your ear canals, the specialist may provide hearing aids that feature:

  • Soft earpieces that won't irritate your ear canals when you insert them
  • Coated earpieces to decrease the pressure of sound waves when they enter your ears
  • Earpieces that prevent the growth of bacteria in the ears

The features above are just a few of the new advances you can benefit from when you choose better hearing aids. 

Keeping your hearing safe and secure is a priority. If you need additional information about advanced hearing aids, contact your auditory specialist today. 
