Understanding The Role Of Level 3 First Aid

Level 3 first aid represents an advanced form of care. Providers usually can make it available in spans of seconds or minutes after incidents. If you're thinking about training or hiring Level 3 first aid attendants, it's good to understand what this level of care is, why it's necessary, and when you might require it.

What Is Level 3?

At this level, attendants have fairly advanced knowledge of physiology. They also have to be able to apply it quickly in crises. If a kid in a school has an allergic reaction at lunch, a Level 3 will have sufficient understanding of potential reactions and anatomy to quickly assess the situation. Other first responders who might have questions can depend on level 3 first aid attendants to provide swift directions, explanations, and responses.

Particularly, a Level 3 should provide a speedy assessment. They can quickly look at trauma levels and rapidly determine what sort of care a victim might require. They also can examine multiple injuries, reactions, or disorders to prioritize what they'll have to treat first. When dealing with large groups, attendants can also conduct triage.

Why Do You Need Level 3 Care?

Some injuries and conditions require quick and advanced care. There are some notable pursuits where this is truer than in others. Many sports teams have Level 3 first aid attendants available in case players experience adverse events. For example, a hockey team might be worried about providing high-quality and immediate care if someone goes head-first into the boards. A player can experience head, neck, and spinal traumas. How quickly care starts will often determine the injured person's long-term prognosis.

Certain businesses don't have the option of waiting for EMTs to arrive. Suppose you run a construction site. If a power tool cuts a worker's leg, you may not have time for an ambulance to get there. Level 3 first aid can stabilize the situation and buy injured people time while they wait for first responders to arrive.

When Is Level 3 Support Needed?

Generally, the further away first responders will be from a location, the more you need Level 3 first aid attendants. A logging crew working deep in the wilderness should consider bringing along a qualified attendant. The team works in a dangerous environment, uses dangerous tools, and isn't close to a hospital. If someone falls from a tree, their survival rate will depend on when a qualified person can administer care.

For additional information, reach out to a company like JFT Secure. 
