What To Expect During Relationship Therapy Sessions

During these difficult times in the world today, it is not uncommon for even those with a rock-solid relationship to begin having trouble getting along. The added stress of the pandemic and the condition of the economy can make remaining content in any relationship much harder than ever before. Many couples have reached out to professional relationship therapists to help them get back on track to have peace and harmony with each other. Through regular sessions with a relationship therapist, couples learn the proper ways to love and appreciate each other, which can strengthen their relationships even more. These are some things to expect during relationship therapy.

Getting to Know You As a Couple

There most likely will not be a breakthrough cure for the relationship problems a couple has during the first few sessions. During this time, the therapist will be asking questions to each partner to get a true feeling of who they are and how their relationship is. Each partner will get to tell their side of the story without being interrupted. Usually, this is done together with both partners present, but if necessary, the therapist may ask that each individual explain how they feel without the other partner in the room. This depends mainly on whether the partners tend to lash out at each other frequently.

The Counselor Will Not Take Sides

In order for relationship therapy to be successful, the therapist does not side with one partner and against the other. No blame games will be allowed and the counsellor will not create a solution based on 'he said this" or "she said that" arguments. The main idea is to try to figure out why each partner is feeling a certain way and what can be done to resolve it.

The Therapist Will Be Brutally Honest

Just like going to an appointment with a family doctor, one may not always like the answers a relationship therapist gives. In order to fix a relationship that is going sour, both partners need to know where they made mistakes. The therapist will give you an honest opinion while also giving you ideas and activities to do that can greatly improve the relationship.

Some counsellors believe that to save a relationship, it may be best to make a fresh start. This involves letting past issues remain in the past and starting a new relationship with each other instead of trying to fix the old one. If you think you'd benefit from relationship therapy, reach out to a professional. 
